ID 2600X Fuel Injectors Evo X

ID 2600X Fuel Injectors Evo X

Sale price$ 1,449.00
The ID2600-XDS is the most recent offering from the partnership of Injector Dynamics and Bosch Motorsport. The ID2600-XDS was developed specifically for use with liquid fuels, featuring corrosion resistant internals, and long term compatibility with ethanol and methanol.

The ID2600-XDS has the highest flow rate of any injector offered by Bosch, and flows 50% more than the ID1700x. The ID2600-XDS benefits from Dual Slope Matching, a method of matching the flow rate in both the linear, and nonlinear operating range, providing better cylinder to cylinder consistency at low pulse widths.

Injector Dynamics Plug and Play Data

IDID2600-XDS Injectors

Nominal Flow Rate Maximum Differential Fuel Pressure Fuel Compatibility Electrical Connector PNP Clips
2600cc/min @ 3.0 Bar (43.5 psi) 9.0 Bar (130.5 psi) – Requires Minimum 11volt Compatible with Methanol/Ethanol/All Known Hydrocarbons. NOT Compatible with Ethers (MTBE, ETBE, TAME) or Nitro Methane USCAR 90.1

ID2600-XDS Dynamic Flow Data

Fuel Pressure
  8 Volts 10 Volts 12 Volts 14 Volts 16 Volts 18 Volts  
43.5 1340 880 605 440 315 275 2600
45.0 1365 895 620 450 325 285 2645
50.0 1450 955 675 485 350 305 2780
55.0 1540 1010 730 520 370 325 2900
60.0 1635 1060 770 555 395 350 3025
65.0 1730 1115 800 590 420 380 3140
70.0 1825 1165 830 625 450 415 3255
75.0 1935 1225 870 660 485 445 3370
80.0 2050 1285 915 690 525 475 3485
85.0 2175 1350 955 745 585 520 3595
90.0 2320 1410 995 745 585 520 3680
95.0 2485 1465 1030 765 605 540 3755
100.0 2670 1520 1060 780 615 550 3810